Understanding the Differences Between 1000W and 600W Options

There has been said that the role of LED grow lights has gotten more crucial from the very beginning of indoor gardening which has been gaining so much fame recently. But what are these LED grow lights? By definition, LED grow lights are special kinds of lamps that are built and designed to help indoor gardening and partially play the role of the sun. However, they are different from the usual and ordinary LED lights and there are so many features that make them suitable for indoor gardening. In addition to that, the process of choosing the best LED light with the most suitable wattage can be overwhelming, therefore, we have decided to help you with the process of selecting the best LED light. There are two different LED grow lights, 1000w and 600w. we are going to dive into the differences these two types of lights have, and thus guide you to choose the best light for your indoor garden.

But before that, let’s see what are the features that make LED grow lights different from other types of LED lights.

phlizon grow light

Features that make LED grow lights different from other types of LED lights.

As we mentioned in the introduction, the very first aim of LED grow lights is to improve and enhance the growth of various types of plants in an indoor garden. As the letters LED (Light Emitting Diode) there are similarities between the common types of these light and grow lights, but there are so many unique features that distinguish them from usual LEDs. Let’s delve into those features.

Spectrum and Wavelength

One of the important factors in cultivating and also photosynthesis is light wavelengths. The most influential lights are red and blue and the combination of them which produces a purplish color is one of the best wavelengths for growing indoor plants, such as vegetables and various flowers. They give off a very special and exclusive wavelength that is way lower than the usual LED lights. The wavelength of common lights is designed for illumination and thus, they are not only not suggested for the cultivation of plants, but also considered harmful.

Customisable Spectrum

Different plants have different needs and care. Based on the kind of plant, whether it is a vegetable, flower or another kind of plant, the wavelength of the LED light is different.  The wavelength can be lowered or customized depending on the stage of development and the type of plant. It is while that the other types of LED lights do not offer this option and they mostly emit a specific level of spectrum.

Light Intensity and Distribution

The typical LED lights are designed and built in a way that provided consistent and steady illumination to be applied and used in everyday human life, while the LED grow lights are created differently.  They are all designed to provide the optimal intensity and distribution of light for plants and that will ensure that they receive the enough amount of illumination they need in various levels of growth and development. In addition to that, the distribution of light can also be customized which means that the direction of the light can be changed based on the plant’s need.

Light Output Efficiency

Nowadays we are dealing with a lack of energy and what human beings are trying to achieve is a way to lower the usage of energy, especially electricity. The typical LED lights are known for their brightness and colour, and to achieve even one of the goals, a huge amount of energy will be consumed. On the other side, LED grow lights that exist in various types and colours such as 100w LED grow lights, 600w LED grow lights, dimmable LED grow lights full-spectrum grow lights, 640 LED grow lights, 450w LED grow lights and so on, are well known for the less energy consumption. They convert the electric energy into usable light for plant growth which is due to their ability to customization.

Heat Management

One of the most important factors in greenhouse lights is the heat that they emit. To have a successful profession in indoor gardening, you need to provide heat for your plants and flowers to create a natural atmosphere. Most of the LED grow lights are designed with heat sinks and cooling systems and they can be managed and customized based on the plants’ needs since extreme heat can be deadly to most plants. These types of grow lights can keep the temperature in a specific range and level to enhance the plants’ growth. Other types of LED lights do not offer these features since their priority is to improve the vision of people by providing brightness and colour accuracy

Dimming and Control

What we purchase as LED lights for our house and rooms (general illumination) do not come with a controller or the ability to be controlled while the LED grow lights offer advanced dimming and control options. This will let the farmers and growers manage the intensity of the light and its wavelength based on the plants’ requirements and needs.  

UV and IR Emission

UV light is considered to be harmful to human health and therefore, the typical LED light for general use and illumination does not have the UV light option. In contrast to the typical LED lights, the grow lights offer UV lights for plants. UV lights are considered to be influential in plants’ growth and offering it is one of the greatest features of LED grow lights. In addition to that, IR is also considered essential for plant growth and harmful to human safety, therefore it is omitted in LED lights and offered in grow lights.  


Differences between 1000W and 600W LED grow lights

There are various LED grow lights in the industry and each one of them has their specific features. The most popular grow lights are 1000w LED grow lights and 600w LED grow lights. If you are seeking the best online shop for buying the appropriate and suitable grow light you can check out PHLIZON STORE which is one of the best illumination shops on the internet. They offer various types of lights and stands such as, full spectrum LED light bars, Samsung 301b, Samsung 281b, 100w LED grow lights, 600w LED grow lights, dimmable LED grow lights and so on. Now let’s check out the differences between 600w and 1000w grow lights to help you make the best decision.

Wattage and Light Intensity

As the name represents, the most distinguishable factor between these two types of grow lights is the wattage and the light intensity they offer. When we call a light, a 1000W LED grow light it means that they offer a higher light output than the other types of lights, such as 600w or 640w. but it does not refer to the fact that 1000w lights are better for the growth of the plants, but rather it means that you require to check the needs of the plants you are growing and decide on the best wattage for your garden. However, the stages of plant growth need different amounts of light and brightness which requires your attention and care to decide on the best wattage for them.

Coverage Area

The higher the wattage of the grow light, the broader the coverage area they lighten which suggests that the 1000w grow light illuminates a wider area and as a result, more plants can benefit from it, and on the other side, the 600w grow light covers a smaller area. Depending on the area you want to cover, you can choose what is the best wattage. For instance, if you are aiming for being a commercial grower or you want to cultivate a huge number of plants, it is recommended to use the 1000w grow light.

Energy Efficiency and Operating Costs

Because a 1000W LED grow light may offer higher light intensity and coverage, we conclude that this coverage and intensity is not possible with low consumption of electricity. The 600w grow lights are considered more energy-efficient and they spend less electricity compared with 1000w grow lights. This factor needs to be considered highly since the human generation is facing a lack of energy in the 21st century. Gardeners and growers need to pay close attention to the energy that each grow light consumes to create an eco-friendlier indoor garden.  

Plant Stage and Light Requirements

One of the elements that decide for the type of the grow light and its wattage, is the type of the plant you decide to grow and the stage of growth they are at. For instance, plants in the vegetative stage typically benefit from higher levels of blue light, while those in the flowering stage require increased red light. Therefore, while choosing between a 1000W and 600W LED grow light, keep in mind the specific light spectrum and adjustability features each grow light offers.

Heat Dissipation and Cooling

Just like the brightness and coverage, the heat that a light generate is dependent on its wattage. The higher wattage of LED grow light, the more heat it generates. It is essential to provide a reasonable amount of heat for the environment. It is believed that some 1000W LED grow lights may require more powerful cooling systems to dispense the extreme heat effectively, while 600W LED grow lights produce less heat which makes them suitable for smaller areas and spaces.


In the industry of indoor gardening, choosing the right type of grow light depends on various options and elements, such as light intensity, coverage area, energy efficiency, and plant stage requirements. Based on the garden you are working on and the plant that you decide to grow, you can choose the best LED grow light. PHLIZON STORE is reputed for the commitment the team has to creating and generating the best LED light for plants and general illumination. If you are looking for a trusted and tested grow light, grow light stand and LED grow lights, rest assured that the Phlizon store has a lot to offer to you.


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